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Departments Review

Departments Review

 Each semester, the Quality Assurance & Accreditation Committee (QAAC) reviews the workflow of the quality assurance system as follows:

  • Investigating with the purpose of determining whether the actions and results referring to quality are in accordance with BQA standards, and international accreditation bodies’ requirements, and whether these standards are suitable for achieving the set goals and they are really being implemented.
  • Focusing on some “Internal Evaluation Areas” for the enhancement of teaching and learning such as Quality of Curricula, Implementation & Delivery of Curricula, Student Assessment, Student Progression and Achievement, Social Responsibility, Learning Resources and Student Life.
  •  Assessing the level of success in community participation in the following areas:
    • The contribution that UCB makes.
    • The range of activities, relevance to the UCB’s mission and strategic plan.
    • Examples of effective practice.
    • Relationships and network with other academic institutions, alumni, friends, and other organizations.
    • Deep public engagement.
  • Assessing international relations and the effectiveness in achieving maximum benefits for both parties and emerging trends in teaching and learning across borders through the following areas:
    • Students’ and staff mobility or exchange.
    • Participation in international events and debates.
    • Engagement in exploring new practices form international cooperation.
    • Partnerships to establish collaboration.
  • During the internal audit, the Committee achieve its responsibilities in reviewing documentation of the following:
    • Curricular and extracurricular activities.
    • The ongoing educational process.
    • Departments’ action plans and
    • Many other items included in the internal audit “Checklist”.
  • After each review, the internal audit team submits their comments, according to the “Checklist” items, to the DAAO to collect them to write the report.
  • The Director of QAAO issues the review reports to the University President. These reports include comments and recommendations and conclude a summary of the Department’s strengths, weaknesses and prospects to be sent to the Head of Department.
  • The Department gives its reasoned opinion on whether the standards have been met for each area. The Head of Department responds to this report on whether these comments are adequate, and he/she must make a specific action plan for improvement.

In addition, believing in the effective role of students in directing their learning, the internal audit team holds meeting with students to express their objective opinion toward their “Satisfaction” concerning the followings:

Educational Experience:

Students have effective experience in their learning that enable them the acquisition of the followings:

  • Productive engagement in the teaching and learning process.
  • Proper academic advising services to fulfill graduation requirements.
  • Exploration beyond their core courses and community involvement.
  • Developed and updated experiential learning that equip them with skills and knowledge through application in work, community and interdisciplinary research.
  • Accessibility to learning resources related to research, libraries, laboratories, clinics, technology, etc.
  • A role in UCB’s governance and decision-making process through their representation in different councils and committees at the Department level and at the university level.
  • Close interaction with industry, and innovation in research and knowledge transfer.

Educational Environment:

Students have academic freedom environment and a proper university life to overcome the barriers related to the followings:

  • Achieving excellent learning outcomes and educational experience.
  • Fostering innovation in learning activities.
  • Ensuring that instructors are adopting the role of facilitators who help learners to develop their own understanding of the content.
  • Equality-learning acquisition regardless of gender and appropriate flexibility for students with disabilities.
  • Sustaining cultures that preserve the dignity of every member of UCB.
  • Achieving justice and equality of opportunity in admission, examination, counselling and psychological services.