Department of Business Administration

Dr. Malak Aoun
Assistant Professor
Head of Business Administration Department
Welcome to the Department of Business Administration at the University College of Bahrain (UCB). The Department is devoted to educating the future’s leaders in the business world. We offer rigorous business administration programs in both undergraduate and graduate level that focus on the needs of the market and prepares the students for the evolving world of business.
In 2021, UCB has been voted and awarded “3 palms of excellence” as excellent business school and the MBA program at UCB received “2 palms of excellence” as one of the leading business school in the Kingdom of Bahrain by Eduniversal Ranking based in Paris, France. This achievement represents the best master & MBA program of business school with strong regional influenced.
In 2018, the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) has recognized UCB as its first AAOIFI affiliate university in the world. This allows UCB’s MBA students to be exempted from taking 2 modules out of 4 Certified of Islamic Professional Accountant (CIPA) certification from AAOIFI after graduating from the program.
Our faculty members are very diverse; they will challenge you and advise you to open your minds to a broader way of thinking. Many of our faculty are well known across the world for their contribution to knowledge through their publications. In line with the University’s mission and vision, the Business Administration Department seeks to provide the best quality of higher education in the field of business administration.
The Department of Business Administration offers a program of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Students may choose to specialize in one of the following areas:
- Accounting
- Finance
- Islamic finance
- Management
- Marketing
The Department also offers a Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme in five concentrations, that are:
- Management
- Islamic Finance
- Banking & Finance
- Marketing and International Business
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
All of our programs meet QA requirements by Education & Training Quality Authority (BQA).
We are the Department of Choice for students and working executives alike. We keep in touch with our alumni, and always keen to keep the lines of communication open. Most of the graduates are holding managerial positions both in leading companies in Bahrain and other countries. If you are interested in our programs and have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.