Library Rules
The following rules are intended to provide a comfortable study environment for all user of the UCB library. Users are asked to follow the rules as this will enable us to offer a beneficial service to all users.
- Mobile phones. The use of mobile phones within the Library can be a major cause of disturbance to other library users. Consequently, ring tones must be turned off before entering the Library and conversations on mobile phones are forbidden. Texting is permitted as long as it does not disturb other library users. Other equipment likely to cause a disturbance (e.g. noisy personal stereos) is also forbidden.
- Eating and drinking. Food and drink can permanently damage books and equipment. Consequently, water, from a screw top bottle only, is permitted, but no other food or drink. Smoking is also forbidden inside the Library and adjacent corridors and stairways, in accordance with the University’s Smoking Policy.
- Noise. Researchers and learners require a quiet study environment and consequently talking should be kept to a minimum to ensure that other users are not disturbed. In particular, users should observe complete silence in designated silent study areas. In other areas, conversations should be kept as quiet as possible. Group study rooms may be available for collaborative work.
- Personal property. Readers bring their own personal belongings into the Library at their own risk. The Library endeavors to provide a safe and secure environment but no responsibility is accepted for the security of personal property.
- Borrowing library materials. All material in the library can be checked out except material in the reference section of the library (dictionaries, encyclopedias, MBA projects…) Before you may borrow, you must show your valid ID card to the librarian. Don’t use others’ ID as this will cause the reservation of the submitted card.
Borrowers are responsible for returning borrowed material to the library on or before the due date. Items may be renewed, if necessary. The maximum number of items users may borrow at one time is as follows:
Users | No.of Items | Loan Period | Renewal |
Faculty Member | 5 | 6 weeks | 2 weeks |
Staff | 2 | 2 weeks | 1 weeks |
Graduate Students | 3 | 4 weeks | 2 weeks |
Undergraduate Students | 2 | 2 weeks | 1 weeks |
Kindly note that any delay in returning the materials on their due date may incur penalties such as being denied permission to borrow materials for a specified time.
Should any borrowed materials be lost, the borrower will be charged a fee equal to the cost of the lost material.