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Department of Communication & Multimedia

Dr. Khaled Zaki Wasel
Assistant Professor
Head of Communication and Multimedia Department

Welcome to the Department of Communication and Multimedia (CMM). Keeping in true traditions of liberal arts, the CMM proudly offers three versatile yet integrated programs to develop confident individuals. As Malcom X said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today,” we are also here to help you build your future in the discipline of Communication. 

Our two concentrations:Public Relations and Graphic Design ; are designed to not only meet the market needs and demand of both Bahrain and GCC but also of international academic standards. Our faculty is the finest combination of international communication-industry-experience and academic excellence.

Our instructors are busy in updating the curriculum and resources to stay abreast in the field of communication. Our two concentrations:Public Relations and Graphic Design ; are designed to not only meet the market needs and demand of both Bahrain and GCC but also of international academic standards. Our faculty is the finest combination of international communication-industry-experience and academic excellence. Our instructors are busy in updating the curriculum and resources to stay abreast in the field of communication. 

Modern communication professions need more than a notebook and pencil. They need to know how to shoot video, produce content for social media and supply information to meet the 24/7 news demand. They also need to understand the basics: fairness, accuracy, precision, strategy and tactics. At CMM, we strive to enhance students’ learning experiences with an updated theoretical knowledge and hands-on training. We are extremely pleased to see our alumni taking up top notch positions in the fields of communication, public relations and graphic design.  

As we move forward, we are determined to maintain a programme that seamlessly syncs with industry transitions and reflects on the international standards of communication education, thus proving to be beneficial for CMM and UCB in a broader context. Our commitment is to promote personal development to enable students to live, learn and practice the leadership values that represent the mission and vision of UCB. 

Our commitment is to promote personal development to enable students to live, learn and practice the leadership values that represent the mission and vision of UCB. 

Welcome to the academic journey leading into the world of opportunities!