Scholarships Application Form Your application will not be processed until necessary documents have been submitted FIRST NAME*FATHER NAME*MIDDLE NAMESURNAME*Gender*MaleFemaleMarital Status*SingleMarriedGENERAL INFORMATION Residential TypeBahrain GCC International Study Type*Full TimePart TimeSpecial Needs*YesNoPlease Choose Preferred Program (Choose only 1)Business AdministrationPlease selectAccounting Finance Management MarketingIslamic Finance Information TechnologyPlease selectComputer Science Management Information System Communication and MultimediaPlease selectGraphic Design Public Relations ADDRESSCountry*City*Villa / House No*Road*Block*P.O. Box No.Zip CodeHome Phone No.*Mobile No.*E-mail Address*EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDName of Last School Attended*CITY*COUNTRY*Graduation Date (mm/dd/yyyy)Name of Certificate*% of CGPA*List the full name(s) of siblings who are currently enrolled at UCB PREFERRED LANGUAGE*EnglishArabic (PR Only) DeclarationI declare that the information given in this application is accurateName of Applicant*Date of Application (dd/mm/yyyy)Please submit the following with your application:Accepted file types are: .pdf, .doc/.docx, .jpg/.jpeg and .pngTransfer students must submit their most recent official transcriptMax file size: 10 MBPassport Size Photos*Max file size: 10 MBSupport documents for special needs studentMax file size: 10 MBCopy of CPR and Passport*Max file size: 10 MB IELTS / TOEFL score- IELTS / TOEFLMax file size: 10 MBBD 50/- Application fee (non-refundable)Max file size: 10 MBHigh School Transcript*Max file size: 10 MBHow did you hear about UCB*Newspaper Internet Friend Social MediaOthersReferred ByPlease send a confirmation email to the address below:*SUBMIT APPLICATIONThis field should be left blank