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MBA – Management program at UCB will empower you with crucial skills and knowledge and provide you with the networking opportunities you need to accelerate your career, either as a manager within the private or public sector, or in developing your own entrepreneurial ambition. 

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Management program will provide you with the leadership skills needed to deal with challenging situations within a business environment. You will be able to develop problem-solving skills in response to business challenges and apply pragmatic solutions to the problems you will encounter within your organization. 

Why an MBA-Management? 

  • Develop critical thinking in order to formulate business decisions.
  • Work together with people within a diverse business environment.
  • Learn to lead teams through the completion of various
  • Gain experience in analytical decision-making.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in business.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of organizations and the competitive environment

Programme Structure

The MBA in Management comprises of 30 credit hours for courses + 6 credit hours for thesis/business project. 

Core courses 5 courses (15 Cr)

ACT501 Financial and Management Accounting
MGT501 Organizational Behaviour
FIN501 Corporate and Managerial Finance
MKT501 Marketing Management
STS501 Business Research Methods

Concentration Requirements 5 Courses (15 Cr)

MGT504 Strategic Management
MGT505 Leadership and Change Management
MGT506 Human Resource Management
MGT502 Production and Operations Management
MGT507 Project Management

Thesis or Business Project (6 Cr)

MGT520 Business Project
MGT599 Thesis