Marketing concentration in UCB reflects the highly broad nature of this field by offering comprehensive coursework in academic areas concerned with the activity of creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging goods and services. Marketing professionals build their individual career paths through their various areas of expertise to rewarding applications in diverse areas of the private or public sector. The students of Marketing concentration in UCB learn how to plan, implement and control successful marketing strategies and build analytical skills by applying research results along with tried and true techniques. Coursework in this concentration may include subjects pertaining to marketing plan, consumer behavior, international marketing, internet marketing, marketing research, and strategy.
Concentration requirements
This degree requires 128 credit hours.
University Requirements (Compulsory) 11 Courses (32 Cr)
ARA101 | Arabic |
CSC101 | Computing Essentials |
ENG101 | English I |
ENG102 | English II |
MAT101 | Calculus I |
SBS155 | Human Rights |
ENG201 | English III : Technical Writing |
WCS201 | Cultural Studies I |
SBS206 | Bahrain Modern History |
CSR301 | Corporate Social Responsibility |
REM301 | Research Methods |
University Requirements (Elective) Select 2 Courses (6 Cr)
ENG220 | Themes in Literature |
GRD130 | Painting |
LIT203 | Studies in American Literature |
PHL202 | Business Ethics |
PHL203 | Critical Thinking Skills |
POS101 | Intro. to Political Science |
PSY201 | Introduction to Psychology |
SBS201 | General Sociology |
SBS203 | Human Development |
SBS205 | Communication Skills |
WCS301 | Cultural Studies II |
WMN201 | Women Studies |
Program Requirements (Compulsory) 15 Courses (45 Cr)
ACT101 | Financial Accounting 1 |
BUS301 | Entrepreneurship |
MGT101 | Principles of Management |
ACT201 | Managerial Accounting |
ECO201 | Microeconomics |
ECO202 | Macroeconomics |
FIN201 | Principles of Finance |
MKT201 | Principles of Marketing |
STS201 | Probability And Statistics I |
BUS205 | Business Law |
BUS315 | Internship/Practicum |
BUS350 | Business Communications |
CIT311 | Management Information Systems |
MGT301 | Organization and Management |
BUS491 | Graduation Project |
MGT490 | Business Policy & Strategy |
BUS491 | Graduation Project |
Program Requirements (Elective) Select 4 Courses (12 Cr)
CIT251 | Internet of Things |
BUS310 | Managerial Economics |
BUS325 | New Venture Creation |
BUS435 | Family Entrepreneurship Management |
CIT231 | Cloud Computing |
CIT262 | Multimedia Systems |
FIN385 | Financial Planning and Control |
MAT102 | Calculus II |
MGT385 | Tourism & Hospitality Management |
STS202 | Probability And Statistics II |
Concentration Requirements (Compulsory) 7 courses (21 Cr)
MKT301 | Marketing Management |
MKT305 | Consumer Behavior |
MKT360 | Promotion Communication Management |
MKT401 | Global Marketing |
MKT412 | Digital and Social Media Marketing |
MKT431 | Green Marketing |
MKT450 | Marketing Strategies |
Concentration Requirements (Elective) Select 2 Courses (6 Cr)
ACT102 | Financial Accounting II |
MGT305 | Human Resource Management |
MGT310 | International Management |
MGT325 | Managing Change and Innovation |
MGT471 | Business Analytics |
MKT412 | E-Marketing |
MKT415 | Services Marketing |
MKT420 | Retail Marketing |
MKT425 | Business Marketing |