Academic Development & Quality Assurance
- أبريل 28, 2024
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Academic Development & Quality Assurance
Under the supervision of the Director of QAAO; the Office manages the following tasks:
1- Academic Development
- Assisting, analyzing data and suggesting new ideas for policymakers, academic staff, and the University;
- Deeping engagement in ongoing development in educational technology at all levels of teaching and learning;
- Ensuring that all providers of education are committed for achieving, maintaining and developing quality standards at all levels
- Updating documentation, strategies, policies, and processes to improve student learning and institutional effectiveness in fostering student success;
- Following up programmes and curricula enhancement to cope with the latest standards of quality in various aspects
- Ensuring that the academic standards of the programmes have met those of the corresponding international accreditation bodies.
2- Educational Assessment Development
- Research, documentation, strategies, policies, and processes to improve student learning and institutional effectiveness in fostering student success;
- Programmes and curricula to direct Faculties to be accountable for student learning;
- Teaching and learning in order to demonstrate that students have met standards of international accreditation bodies.
3- Quality Management
- Maintaining and improving standards of teaching and learning, student learning experiences, research, and community services;
- Monitoring and evaluating instruments and activities aiming at quality improvement at the University level;
- Providing Faculties with technical guidance and assistance in the process of implementing and achieving their own quality assurance works concerning teaching & learning, resources and services, and programme international accreditation;
- Receiving, processing and responding to the reviews and feedback coming from internal and external stakeholders and “Faculties’ Advisory Committees”.
4- Quality Enhancement
- Curricula and programmes enhancement by using feedback coming from Stakeholders, Alumni and “Advisory Committees”;
- Students’ competencies and outcomes enhancement for successful learning, living and working;
- Enhancement of the existing quality assurance system through structuring strengths, weaknesses and prospects to meet international standards of quality assurance in higher education;
- Enhancement of quality management by issuing reports concluding significant risk and control issues and including other matters that require the attention of senior management and decision-makers.